
Payroll accounting in compliance with Dutch law


Flynth handles the payroll for employers which have staffed employees working in the Netherlands (including foreign employees working in the Netherlands). As an experienced specialist in salary administration, we have all the knowledge necessary for the task. We provide for a full package of all necessary services relating to employment matters.

Flynth is one of the largest firms carrying out payroll and salary administration for cross-border companies with such an escrow system.

For payroll advice

Flynth is your partner in dealing with all related tax inquiries and - notifications. After onboarding, we  arrange for your employer tax number, we submit the monthly tax returns on your behalf (upon your approval), we assist with your ARBO agreement (ARBO = supervisory body for illness-related absence), we process  your sickness/ illness certificates and work capacity reports, we produce the employers’ declarations, we formulate and explain the Dutch of working conditions systems, we can implement any salary split situation, as well as the soliciting of quotations for pension and/ or sickness/ illness payments insurance.