Legal advise

Prevent and solve legal issues and disputes

Legal advise

When you do business in the Netherlands, Dutch law could apply. If you operate internationally, your business in the Netherlands will be governed differently than you are used to in your own country. It is of importance to look for sound legal advice before making major decisions. Flynth is your trusted adviser in legal advice.

Our approach and guidance

We define ourselves by our practical and clear way of working and providing advice. You know exactly your legal position, and can continue focussing your attention to your core business. We have broad experience in litigation processes in lower and upper courts.

Flynth provides for integrated advise services i.e. we  we consult frequently with our colleagues in other divisions like, asset and income planning and merger & acquisitions. We believe that this approach to your business gives us a total and complete view of what is important for you.

Our legal advisers facilitate and advise you in:

  • Privacy and labor law;
  • Company law and collaboration structures
  • Intellectual property law
  • General contract law
  • Franchise law and agricultural law
  • Matrimonial property and inheritance law
  • Real estate and tenancy law